Posted at 01:30h
by admin
On today’s episode, I am joined by the rest of the Matta family and we thought we could do our part in bringing a little bit of good news to everyone. Focus on the positive things right now and enjoy the extra time you...
Posted at 01:30h
by admin
Today, we are fortunate enough to be joined by Shante Cofield, aka, The Movement Maestro! I always enjoy getting the opportunity to chat with Shante and what better time than now for us to get into moving to digital business...
Posted at 01:30h
by admin
You're probably in a career position right now that you did not expect to be in due to the global pandemic. We can either complain about it or realize if you can't work one on one with somebody that there are options to move your...
Posted at 01:30h
by admin
Welcome back, everyone, to another edition of the podcast. Today, we have my good friend, Doug Kechijian, making another return to the podcast. We have had Doug on in the past but we have never had the please of interviewing him on his...
Posted at 01:30h
by admin
Today's episode is from another Facebook Live and I thought it was something definitely worth sharing with you guys today. How do you work with people via tele-health during the current pandemic? It starts with not giving them any other option.
Not a member...
Posted at 01:30h
by admin
Hey, what is going on, everyone? Today, we are joined by Aimee Bailey of Terra Lotus located in Nashville, TN. Aimee is a cash practice owner, a yoga practitioner, as well as a fellow podcaster. We get into how she has managed...
Posted at 01:30h
by admin
Hey everyone, Doc Danny here with the PT Entrepreneur Podcast and today's episode is from another Facebook Live from within the PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group. I wanted to let members of the group know about something we are working on that I think...
Posted at 01:30h
by admin
Welcome back, everyone, to another episode of the PT Entrepreneur Podcast. Today, I finally get a chance to get into a conversation with someone that I have a lot of respect for and that is Toko Nguyen with the Institute of Athlete Regeneration in Houston, TX. ...
Posted at 01:30h
by admin
One cool thing about what we do as practitioners, is we get to develop relationships with our patients. Others in the medical field do not get this opportunity to spend as much time with patients as we do. What are you doing with your time...
Posted at 01:30h
by admin
What is going on, everyone? Welcome back to another episode of the PT Entrepreneur podcast. Today is another episode pulled from a Facebook Live in our PT Entrepreneurs Facebook Group. I wanted to address the elephant in the room that we are all facing as...